Jcls start/end timings

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Jcls start/end timings

Postby arshadhrashid » Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:50 am

Hello there,
I have a situation and I hope some can help.

I have 2 JCL jobs say J1 and J2. they both run fine and I can see their logs in JES2.
I want to make sure that J2 started after J1 ended.
I am opening them manually and noting their times and deciding based upon that info.

Is there any way this could be done automatically?

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Re: Jcls start/end timings

Postby dick scherrer » Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:56 am


You could schedule them so that j2 is a successor of j1. . .

You could modify the jcl of j1 to submit j2 thru the "internal reader".

It is rather a waste of time to manually check for something that could/should be prevented automatically.

If they run out of sequence, then what?
Hope this helps,
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Re: Jcls start/end timings

Postby arshadhrashid » Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:18 am

Thanks for your input.
I think your suggestion of submitting J2 from J1 itself, is helpful.

Now just for the sake of learrning,
if I saved the logs of both of them on 2 different datasets, is there any way I can compare the timings inside?

Thaks again.
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Re: Jcls start/end timings

Postby dick scherrer » Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:28 am


is there any way I can compare the timings inside
Sure. . . Once the data is written, it could be compared by many methods. Various utilities (like superc or the sort product) or by writing code in any language.

If saving the logs is to be done manually, it will waste time and be error prone. . .

Again, better to prevent than detect. . .
Hope this helps,
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