Emailing Excel/Word documents - possible to make read only?

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Emailing Excel/Word documents - possible to make read only?

Postby D9988 » Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:30 am

I use the following code to email a dataset as an Excel document. I kind of doubt it, but I was wondering if there is an option to make the document readonly/protected? So that the contents cannot be edited when opened with Excel.

Thanks, David

//T000010 EXEC PGM=IKJEFT1B,COND=(0,NE)               
//SYSPRINT  DD SYSOUT=(,)                               
//SYSTSPRT  DD SYSOUT=(,)                               
//EMAILFLE  DD DSN=TEST.T.JUNK(+0),                 
//          DISP=SHR                                   
//EMAILMSG  DD *                                       
//SYSTSIN   DD *                                       
%XMITIP      ('TEST'<TEST@TEST.COM>) -         
   FILEDD   EMAILFLE      -                             
   FILENAME TEST.XLS -                                 
   FORMAT   XLS           -                             
   MSGDD    EMAILMSG      -                             
   SUBJECT  'TEST JOB  &DATE'                           
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Re: Emailing Excel/Word documents - possible to make read only?

Postby dick scherrer » Tue Nov 10, 2009 1:52 am


From the mainframe - no way that i'm aware of.

Depending on the configuration and permissions on the target system, it might be possible to download the file into a directory that has only read-only permission for those users. Check with the admins of the remote system to see if this is possible (it is something i did on unix but have not looked into this on Win-based servers).
Hope this helps,
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Re: Emailing Excel/Word documents - possible to make read only?

Postby rajas.abcdefg » Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:37 am

will it possible to email any xcel sheet from a directory, irrespective of it is file name...
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Re: Emailing Excel/Word documents - possible to make read only?

Postby dick scherrer » Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:49 am


will it possible to email any xcel sheet from a directory, irrespective of it is file name...
I do not understand what this asks. Typically, "directory" is not a term used with mainframe datasets (unless they are part of USS). Any valid name should be usable.

I believe there is other misunderstanding here as well. Excel spreadsheets are rarely created on a mainframe and nearly never uploaded to a mainframe.
Hope this helps,
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Re: Emailing Excel/Word documents - possible to make read only?

Postby rajas.abcdefg » Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:54 am

as a part of work, we need to pick an excel sheet from a window folder and the name of the file will not be consistent, so will be possible to pick the file from that folder irrespective of its name to some of our mainframe datasets

hoe this helps...
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Re: Emailing Excel/Word documents - possible to make read only?

Postby dick scherrer » Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:02 am


Probably not. . . In order to do this, the pc would have to have an ftp service (rather than an ftp client). Most organizations do not permit pd's to be configured as an ftp server. All pc's tend to have an ftp client.

Regardless of how the file gets to the mainframe, it will have to have a valid dataset name. Many/most pc file names are invalid for use on the mainframe (again, unless this is something to do with USS).

You need to talk with your desktop/network support people and learn what options are available to you.
Hope this helps,
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