If the column 5 - 10 bytes contains the value '00000', it should go to File 1
5-10 bytes is a length is a length of 6 whereas '00000' is a length of 5. Which is it - a length of 6 or a length of 5?
- 50% of the remaining records should go to File 2
- 50% of the remaining records should go to File 3
So if the remaining records are 1-10, do you want 1,3,5,7,9 in file2 and 2,4,6,8,10 in file3, or do you want 1-5 in file2 and 6-10 in file3?
How do you want them split if the remaining records are 1-9?
What is the RECFM and LRECL of the input file?
Could you please help me in writing JCL using SORT utility. (I can't ICEMAN here in my company).
This statement makes no sense. PGM=SORT and PGM=ICEMAN both invoke the SORT utility at your site.
Which SORT product are you using- DFSORT or Syncsort?