FTP Space Error

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FTP Space Error

Postby rick walker » Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:12 pm

I am trying to do a GET from a network server to the mainframe. It's 300 cylinders large, and in this shop, I have to code the unit parameter to allow for multiple volumes (sysda,58). When I pre-allocate the file on the mainframe side, the ftp changes the format from FB to VB and changes the record length as well, and gets a B37-04. When I code: site cyl primary=100 secondary=25 lrecl=80 blksize=0 recfm=fb, I get the following error:

500 'SITE recfm=fb lrecl=80 blksize=0 cyl primary=100 secondary=25': command not understood

When I don't pre-allocate, it creates the file as VB, 256, and runs out of space. Is this an ftp error or an environment error?
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Re: FTP Space Error

Postby dick scherrer » Sat Sep 19, 2009 12:21 am

Hello Rick and welcome to the forum,

What happens if you pre-allocate the file and "push" the data from the remote to the mainframe (rather than trying to "pull" via jcl)?

You might also want to talk with whoever supports ftp on the mainframe.
Hope this helps,
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Re: FTP Space Error

Postby rick walker » Sat Sep 19, 2009 12:38 am

Hi Dick -

I fixed this one, but I appreciate the effort. I have but one more problem in this project. I'm looking to ftp load modules, if it's possible. I can copy a load with IEBCOPY, but it needs to be defined as recfm=u, lrecl=0, space=(cyl,(1,1,1). It creates the file as a PDS with the one member in it, perfectly excutable. I ftp it to a network server in BINARY mode, with an extension of .TXT (that might be wrong). When I do an ftp get to brink it back to the mainframe, it's about 1/3 of it's original size and is invalid as a load module. Any suggestions?
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Re: FTP Space Error

Postby dick scherrer » Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:53 am


To transfer load modules, make sure to specify a binary transfer on the way back to the mainframe also.

Also, i would not use the .txt extension. Suggest you make sure the pds attribute definitions on both systems are the same.

Are the transfers being done on 2 different mainframes? You might try sending the module back to the original system, but a new test pds defined like the original. If there are multiple mainframes, there might be differences in their configurations.
Hope this helps,
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Re: FTP Space Error

Postby rick walker » Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:35 am

The file is going to a folder on a network server. I'm not sure what the attributes would be for that file. When I bring it back, I use BINARY, and it comes back to a PDS with identical attributes. So it's something to do with how it's written to the network folder. It's not a show stopper for the project, it would just be a nice option for the client to have.
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Re: FTP Space Error

Postby dick scherrer » Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:49 am

Hi Rick,

So it's something to do with how it's written to the network folder.
Or possibly with how it is transmitted to the network server.

What happens if you ftp the module from one mainframe to the other?

When the file is transmitted to the server, is the length correct or is it already "chopped"?
Hope this helps,
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Re: FTP Space Error

Postby rick walker » Wed Sep 30, 2009 2:19 am

Hi DS -

In response to your last post on this topic, I don't have the option to FTP to another mainframe, just a network server. But, I know that the file appears to be correct, at least in bytes and visually. I'll have to look at the server to see what the byte size is for this record. Am I using the write tool (IEBCOPY)? What about OFFLOAD, or OFFLMOD?

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Re: FTP Space Error

Postby dick scherrer » Wed Sep 30, 2009 2:26 am

Hi Rick,

IEBCOPY should work. . . You might take the output from the IEBCOPY and try to load it into another loadlib on the same mainframe. If this does not work, it needs to be resolved before any ftp is tried.

Going to an network server and then to a mainframe should not be a problem - as long as all transfers are binary.

Is this a Windows or unix network server? Does the ftp informational output show the corrent amount of data?
Hope this helps,
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Re: FTP Space Error

Postby rick walker » Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:49 pm

Hi ds -

It is a Windows Server. I copied the load member using IEBCOPY into another PDS, then ran the program using that loadlib, and everything was good. The file is 41.6 K...416,178 bytes to be exact. After an FTP, it shows, in byte size on the server, 48.6 K. Not sure where the extra 7,000 bytes came from, but when I FTP it back to the mainframe, it comes back with a total byte size of 69,363 bytes, and is not executable. In fact, the job gets a member not found (813). Here is the JCL for the get.....

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