I am trying to do a GET from a network server to the mainframe. It's 300 cylinders large, and in this shop, I have to code the unit parameter to allow for multiple volumes (sysda,58). When I pre-allocate the file on the mainframe side, the ftp changes the format from FB to VB and changes the record length as well, and gets a B37-04. When I code: site cyl primary=100 secondary=25 lrecl=80 blksize=0 recfm=fb, I get the following error:
500 'SITE recfm=fb lrecl=80 blksize=0 cyl primary=100 secondary=25': command not understood
When I don't pre-allocate, it creates the file as VB, 256, and runs out of space. Is this an ftp error or an environment error?