JCL to create GDG

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JCL to create GDG

Postby parul singh » Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:04 pm

Please can any one Create JCL to do following:
1.create GDG base which will contain the output from a weekly run.Therefore the group should be large enough to contain 52 weeks of data.Define a model DSCB .
2.create three GDG generations using the model DSCB.
The first GDG generation should aontain the EMPLOYEE data in the following format:
05 ENO PIC X(5).
05 ENAME PIC A(15).
05 ESAL PIC 9(6).
3. Sort first GDG generation on the basis of ESAL in descending order, ENAME in ascending order and create a new GDG generation to contain the sorted data in the above order.
4. Delete the first GDG generation using JCL.
parul singh
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Re: JCL to create GDG

Postby dick scherrer » Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:34 am


You will want to begin by learning how to define a generagion data group using IDCAMS.

After you have defined the group, you can creeate the required generations with the necessary sorting (yo may need to know the sort product used on your system).

When there are problems or questions, post them here and someone should be able to help.
Hope this helps,
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