by Naveen@Uppi » Mon Jul 06, 2009 10:17 am
My input data set will look like: For every account say 111 it will have one 01 type record and max twelve 02 type record.
account number start: 3 length : 20, field XYZ start: 195 length: 4, field PQR start :199, length: 4, field NMP start :204 and length is 4. record lenght is 32756. record format is VB
The input is from a data set:
Record type Account XYZ PQR NMP
01 111
02 111 154 458 452
02 111 852 458 454
02 111 745 452 451
02 111 753 159 785
02 111 751 758 754
02 111 785 752 756
02 111 154 758 785
02 111 444 755 752
02 111 752 741 752
02 111 852 523 522
02 111 452 252 852
02 111 254 523 523
And in my output file the lay out is it have got fileds like xy1,xyz2...xyz12 and Prq1,pqr2...Pqr12 and NMP1, NMP2..etc.
In my out put account number start :3 length is 20 XYZ1 start at 723 length is 4, PRQ1 starts at 727 length 4, NMP start at 731 and length 4, the same aorder comtinues till 12 occurrences.
Record lenght: 866, record format is FB.
Account 111
XYZ1 34
PQR1 526
NMP1 aswas
XYZ2 34
PQR2 751
NMP2 rdfs
XYZ3 23
PQR3 789
NMP3 aswas
XYZ4 33
PQR4 756
NMP4 asdc
XYZ5 56
PQR5 325
NMP5 edft
XYZ6 34
PQR6 234
NMP6 asdf
XYZ7 12
PQR7 759
NMP7 ascf
XYZ8 24
PQR8 852
NMP8 asdf
XYZ9 67
PQR9 159
NMP9 edfg
XYZ10 15
PQR10 752
NMP10 wsdf
XYZ11 85
PQR11 321
NMP11 wedf
XYZ12 78
PQR312 321
NMP12 asdf
Summarise the rules:
My input file has got a lay out every accout of 02 record type has got 12 occurrences and itput occurrencs can ve max 12 and my out put file has got a lay out with XYZ1,XYZ2 etc.
Basically i work in the testing domain and very less experiance on delelopment, will consider the option of writing the cobol code.
Thanks and Regards,
Naveen N