Hi Experts,
Please help me with the below.
I have a PS file and it gets copied into a gdg file every month. This GDG file will reside in tape. I don't see anywhere we have given space parameter. On what basis it will take the space or it will copy the entire contents from the source file.
//Infile dd dsn= source PS file, display=she
//Outfile dd dsn=target GDG file, disp=(new,catlg),
//. Unit=cart,label=(2,SL), Volume=aff=*.output1
Actually this time the PS file is having large number of records as compared to other months(5 times than that of the prev month). And hence the jobs that copies this PS file failed with space abend as they didn't cater for the space correctly.
But this GDG file copy step went fine.
The said gdg job has series of backup datasets.
Thank you.