How to verifiy i/o error on dataset in a volume

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How to verifiy i/o error on dataset in a volume

Postby samb01 » Mon Dec 18, 2017 9:54 pm

Hello, we have some disks with some dataset with i/o error.

I would like to know how could i verify wich dataset on the volume (about 20 000 files) have an i/o error (we can not open...)

Thank's for your help
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Re: How to verifiy i/o error on dataset in a volume

Postby NicC » Mon Dec 18, 2017 10:41 pm

How do you know that there is an I/O error? Usually it is by attempting to use the data set and getting a message. This message contains the data set name of the data set in question.
The problem I have is that people can explain things quickly but I can only comprehend slowly.
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Re: How to verifiy i/o error on dataset in a volume

Postby samb01 » Mon Dec 18, 2017 10:46 pm

Hello, we have some problems in about 41 volume. We know there i/o error beucause the batch is abended.

But i would like to have the liste of the files which have i/o error.

I succeed to have the litse of the dataset of a voulme by using dcollect and rexx. And now i would like to know (in this liste of files) which datset have i/o error...

Thank's for your help.
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Re: How to verifiy i/o error on dataset in a volume

Postby samb01 » Mon Dec 18, 2017 11:04 pm

If i could find a way to read all the file and extract the files i could'nt read it wwill be awsome :D

Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR
****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
==CHG> NHBDCA.NCAREIM.INFO.FIXE 5191 2008/317 2017/040
==CHG> NHBDCB.CADSALQ.PIVOT 3772 2017/352 2017/352
==CHG> NHBDVF.FCAGENQ.TADIN4 3772 2017/352 2017/352
==CHG> NHBDDV.NDVCICQ.LOGCICS.FIXE 2278 2011/159 2017/352
==CHG> NHBDMM.QCAIMPQ.SSP410 1509 2017/352 2017/352
==CHG> NHBDCB.CGDLOPQ.FICSORT 1207 2017/350 2017/350
==CHG> NHBDDV.NDVSGAG.SV6.FIXE 1207 2008/317 2017/352
==CHG> NHBDMM.QGDCOUQ.FICSORT 1207 2017/352 2017/352
000009 SYS1.VTOCIX.NPRP02 954 2008/294 0000/000
==CHG> NHBDSG.SGMOVE.IL 804 2008/302 2011/312
==CHG> NHBDCB.CACBACD.FICLAD.FIXE 769 2015/105 2017/345
==CHG> NHBDCB.CCAEXTM.EXT.FIXE 769 2015/092 2017/335
==CHG> NHBDCB.CSASECU.VRACADI.FIXE 769 2015/182 2017/349
==CHG> NHBDMM.QACRECA.FICLAD.FIXE 769 2013/283 2017/349
==CHG> NHBDCB.CACQUOQ.COURT5 754 2017/352 0000/000
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Re: How to verifiy i/o error on dataset in a volume

Postby Robert Sample » Tue Dec 19, 2017 12:57 am

We know there i/o error beucause the batch is abended.
Why does the batch not tell you which data set(s) could not be opened?

Truly, you are attempting to solve this problem the wrong way. You do NOT take a list of data sets and try to figure out which ones have problems; you let the system tell you which data set(s) have problems and work on them. Furthermore, depending upon the application being used, an I/O error could be: attempting to read an empty data set, attempting to read a data set when the physical and program record lengths are different, or physical I/O error on the media, or .... You are talking about (and addressing) only one of the possible error causes.

If you have a product like SAS on site, you could generate the list of data sets and dynamically open each one to determine if there are any physical I/O errors but otherwise you're not likely to find many good ways to do what you asked.

This topic needs to be locked as what you're asking is a big waste of everybody's time.
Robert Sample
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