I have specific issue related to sort,as it is not giving a desired output.
Input File
John 1080101 John 1080101
He John, 1080101
Is John, 1080101
a John, 1080101
good John, 1080101
boy. John, 1080101
Donna 1070101 Donna 1070101
She Donna, 1070101
Is Donna, 1070101
a Donna, 1070101
Queen Donna, 1070101
He John, 1080101
Is John, 1080101
a John, 1080101
good John, 1080101
boy. John, 1080101
Donna 1070101 Donna 1070101
She Donna, 1070101
Is Donna, 1070101
a Donna, 1070101
Queen Donna, 1070101
The above file needs to be sorted in increasing order of name (Maximum 7 bytes long,1 byte of ",") (starts @42 byte) and decreasing order date of birth(starts @52 byte).
Desired Output
Donna 1070101 Donna 1070101
She Donna, 1070101
Is Donna, 1070101
a Donna, 1070101
Queen Donna, 1070101
John 1080101 John 1080101
He John, 1080101
Is John, 1080101
a John, 1080101
good John, 1080101
boy. John, 1080101
She Donna, 1070101
Is Donna, 1070101
a Donna, 1070101
Queen Donna, 1070101
John 1080101 John 1080101
He John, 1080101
Is John, 1080101
a John, 1080101
good John, 1080101
boy. John, 1080101
Please consider that file can extended to 1000(set) of records of same pattern.
I used the following sort control card
SORT FIELDSs =(42,8,CH,A,52,8,ZD,D)
Above sort resulted
Donna 1070101 Donna 1070101
Queen Donna, 1070101
a Donna, 1070101
Is Donna, 1070101
She Donna, 1070101
John 1080101 John 1080101
boy. John, 1080101
good John, 1080101
a John, 1080101
Is John, 1080101
He John, 1080101
Queen Donna, 1070101
a Donna, 1070101
Is Donna, 1070101
She Donna, 1070101
John 1080101 John 1080101
boy. John, 1080101
good John, 1080101
a John, 1080101
Is John, 1080101
He John, 1080101
Please suggest what happened wrong in the sort control card,or is it that all the records being same at that specific position sort puts it in the any order (all being equivalent).