Mr. Heinze appears to be showing part of the output of a LISTCAT command. This can be useful, but the creation date (2017.234) is the creation date of the catalog entry; it may not be the creation date of the data set on the tape. The information stored in the tape management system's catalog is usually more accurate, but it still may not accurately reflect the creation date stored in the data set label on the tape. Only specialized programs can retrieve this information reliably. No ordinary program can access this information.
There is at least one program in the CBT collection ( you can use. Search for TAPEMAP. If you have SAS, there is a prewritten proc that is part of SAS you can use. Look for tape map in your SAS documentation. Both the CBT program and SAS require you to be able to access the tape using BLP (Bypass Label Processing). BLP skips the rudimentary security processing for tapes and requires two different types of security authorizations to proceed. Your site security should be able to assist you with that.