unless You belong to the support group it is inconsiderate to update the system provided datasets
The correct course of action is to supply overrides in your job deck. This is an example:-
unless You belong to the support group it is inconsiderate to update the system provided datasets
If you work for an IBM partner and got the ADCD system from IBM, you need to contact IBM for your questions. If you got your ADCD system from a friend or from the Internet, you should be aware that the provided ADCD system is not likely to be ready without some modification; you would need to review every job before you submit it as there is a very high chance that it will need changing to be usable. And you need to be aware that if your ADCD system did not come from IBM, you are running software illegally and IBM could take you to court for a violation of their licensing terms if you are running any operating system after MVS.I think I could keep ADCD the same