by Aki88 » Thu Mar 17, 2016 1:53 pm
What Terry and the moderators have been requesting you to do, is to use the function called 'CODE TAGS' while posting any code/sample-data in your post.
Simply put, the input and output data that you have shared in your original post can be 'Coded', this helps in preserving the spaces and other intricacies of actual data posted by user.
This can be done by clicking 'Post-Reply' button while replying to a thread on the forum.
Once you click 'Post-Reply', you should be able to see various options given above the text-box area, one of the options is - 'Code', click the same, and post your 'Sample Data' with the 'Tags' that are auto-created for you in the text-area. Code tags usually look like --> [ code ] [ /code ] (actual tags do not have spaces).
Hope this clears the air.