I am trying to do a Cobol compile with copybooks that I have locally. In order to do so, these copybooks must be copied to the mainframe, the a compile job can be triggered.
What I did so far:
I have ftp'd the copybooks to a directory in the Unix HFS, then I added the following statement
//SYSLIB DD PATH='/u/myself/transfer/copybook',
This works so far which means the compiler can access the directory "copybook" like a partitioned dataset, and searches for any copybook members referred to in a COPY statement in the Cobol program. That's cool!
However, there is still a problem because the copybooks all have an file name extension (.cpy) which causes the compiler not to be able to find the referred copybooks unless I rename them to remove the extension.
Is there a way to ignore the file name extensions? After all, a member in a partitioned dataset cannot have an extension anyway, so I had expected and hoped that they would be ignored.
Or am I completely on the wrong track? I also tried sending the copybooks directly to an MVS PDSE using mput, but I have the same problem here: mput complains for each file that abode.cpy is not a valid MVS dsname. Any hints?