JCK tool not working after z/OS upgradation

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Re: JCK tool not working after z/OS upgradation

Postby Robert Sample » Fri Jul 31, 2015 8:59 pm

To know for sure, you need to start on a console. Issue command
and look for the line with IEASYS -- that will tell you which IEASYSxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB was used for the IPL. Go to that member of SYS1.PARMLIB and look for PROG=(xx,yy) -- there may be other values on this line -- which will give you the PROGxx and PROGyy members used for the LINKLIST and APF authorization. Those members are what the system is using -- if PROG=(L9,A0) is specified in IEASYSxx then you've got the right members. Otherwise, you'll need to look for different members of SYS1.PARMLIB.

One question that is unasked so far -- why was the JCK failure not discovered when testing the z/OS upgrade? There was a failure in the process if JCK wasn't tested, or if it was tested and worked then why did the upgrade subsequently break it? In other words, your site has a serious process flaw in your z/OS upgrade procedure that needs fixing before the next upgrade is done! Especially since z/OS 2.2 was announced this week for September delivery!
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Re: JCK tool not working after z/OS upgradation

Postby steve-myers » Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:50 pm

shivanshu26shiv wrote:... I consulted with the team and client, they are ok as they are unaware of the JCK's not working plus JCK is freeware as per them. ...
They either lied or are just plain stoopid. CA JCL check is a proprietary - and rather expensive - CA Technology (or whatever they call themselves today) product. It most definitely is not "freeware." Further, it usually must be upgraded with every z/OS release. This is why your organization pays periodic maintenance fees.
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Re: JCK tool not working after z/OS upgradation

Postby shivanshu26shiv » Sun Aug 16, 2015 7:50 am

Hi Robert,

Sorry for late reply, and thanks for the significant info.
When I checked as per your post, I found in spool log,
IEASYS LIST = 00 (OP)  --> IEASYS00 --> PROG=(S0,A0,L0,E0),          PROGXX

that later guided me to PROGA0,PROGE0,PROGL0 and PROGS0 . But SYS1.JCH.LINKLIB and CA.JCLCHECK.V7R1SP03.CAILIB (libraries which were containing CAZ1JCKM load) were not present in either of the mentioned four PROGxx members.

However SYS1.PARMLIB(PROGL9) is containing SYS1.JCH.LINKLIB as per below code:


So is the solution is to include PROGL9 as PROG=(S0,A0,L0,E0,L9) in IEASYS00 in the next IPL or is there any better alternative you can suggest.?

Q: why was the JCK failure not discovered when testing the z/OS upgrade?
A: It was discovered then only but got prioritized lower, I guess.
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Re: JCK tool not working after z/OS upgradation

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Sun Aug 16, 2015 1:35 pm

... or is there any better alternative you can suggest.?

speak to the powers of Your organization/cilent
to check if the client is allowed ( has a valid contract/licence ) to use JCK on the new system

if the client has a valid licence then the manuals will be available with all the info needed
to enable JCK at the next IPL or dynamically without an IPL
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort
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