Hi All,
I have a destination file name for NDM file transfer from mainframe which is very long and cannot be accomodated in single line. to continue in second line, i have given the '-' in 72 and continued the second line from 16th column. but when the jcl ran, the output file name is D:\CONNECT\CxxxxxxxxxxxI\dddddd\ddddddddddddddd\' 'Igg_GLOBALSOIUfffffff20140919.TXT
there is a gap in between the lines and NDM transmission was not succesful because of that
Please help
SUBMIT PROC=Mxxxxxxxxx -
SNODE=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -
&OPCNDM=Ixxxxxx#1 -
&DSN1=@DSN@ -
&DSN2=|| -
'D:\CONNECT\CxxxxxxxxxxxI\dddddd\ddddddddddddddd\' -