Hello Dick!
Sorry, I misstook ASCII for "alphanumeric character string". The requiremente is the same as Orlando's one: convert this text to a comprehensible text, but I think he already figured out how-to (and what we are really supposed to do).
The text's characters are stored in mini-2bytes'-hexes and we have a conversion chart... So, read the hex value, change to BIN and change again to ASCII, so we get the correct text...
Well, ultil now I'll also do it manually (changing byte and byte), as the text would be like:
D6 E2 40 D6 D9 C7 C1 D5 C9 E9 C1 C4 D6 D9 C5 E2 40 C4 D6 40 7F C3 D6 D5 C3 E4 D9 E2 D6
D4 C1 C9 D5 C6 D9 C1 D4 C5 7F 40 C7 D6 E2 E3 C1 D9 C9 C1 D4 40 C4 C5 40 C1 C7 D9 C1 C4 C5 C3 C5 D9
D7 D6....etc and so on...
I noticed you made a code there but as I never worked with the COBOL language and we're also using z/os, I don't have any idea of how to use it xP
But, Thanks for the help
[]'s, André Luiz!