DB2 Interview Questions -4

DB2 Interview Questions -4

Postby Ravi Teja » Wed Dec 08, 2010 4:13 pm

If i am incorrect,please correct me

(1) What are wild card character?

a) percentage and ampersand
b) percentage and asterick
c) percentage and underscore
d) ampersand and asterick

(2) Which one of the following is not a Database services

a) Bind
b) Data manager
c) Locking services
d) Pre compiler

Given table "Employee" with columns "EMPNO" and "SALARY", and
Table "JOB" with columns "ID" and "TITLE",
what is the effect on the following statement? UPDATE employee SET salary = salary *1.15 WHERE salary<15000 OR EXISTS (SELECT ID FROM job WHERE job.id = employee.empno AND job.title = ‘MANAGER’)

a) Employees who are not manager and who make less that 15,000 are given salary increases
b) Employees who make less than 15,000 and all managers are given salary increases.
c) Only employees who are not managers or make less than 15,000 are given salary increases.
d) Only employees who are managers that make less than 15,000 are given salary increases.

(4) Which two of the following can be done using the ALTER TABLE statement?

a) Add an INTEGER column
b) Define an index
c) Drop a table alias
d) Add a trigger

(5) A user wants to store numeric with a maximum value of 100,000. which of the following data types will allow the user to store these values while using the least amount of storage?


(6) How many bytes will be used by SQLCA

a) 133
b) 134
c) 135
d) 136

(7) SQLCODE -311 describes

a) Undefined column name
b) Indicated length of host variable is negative [\b]
c) Duplicate object
d) unauthorized access

[b](8) What is the use of VALUE function?

a) For computation
b) For Built-in function usage
c) Avoid -ve SQLCODEs by handling nulls and zero
d) None of the Above

(9) What type of locks are handled by ISOLATION

a) Page level
b) Table level
c) Table space level
d) House hold locks

(10) SQLCODE -305 describes

a) does not have Privileged to perform operation on object object

b) Author id does not have privilege
c) Null Indicator variable not assigned
d) Column name wrongly referred

(11) A table contains a list of all seats on an airplane. A seat consists of seat number and whether or not it is assigned. An airline agent lists all the unassigned seats on the plane. When the agent refreshes the list from the table, the list should not change. Which of the following isolation levels should be used for this application?

a) Read Stability
b) Uncommitted Read
c) Repeatable Read

If i am incorrect,please correct me
Thank You
Ravi Teja
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