even if it is a beginners forum, the approach to asking and replying is usually professional
it means that kiddie' s sms abbreviations are not welcome.
furthermore You should review Your attitude, it means accepting and thinking about the answers You get
instead of questioning becasue they are not those You would have liked to receive
Answer of 1st Qs- Compared to IMS. You can verify that if dont believe.
utter horse manure
Answer od 2nd Qs - May be one or more application is using CIS, But most of the applictaions is using IMS DC.
You do not seem to understand...
if this is the only CICS application left around it might be worth consider an IMS/DC rewrite,
but if CICS is still needed , other considerations apply
Answer of 3rd Qs - We are already familiar with IMS DC. But how it is relavant in this context.
it is relevant in order to evaluate the effort required to implement/port CICS related facilities to IMS/DC
( using the MESSAGE queues as intermediate storage for example )
but if You are so familiar why ask on a forum
Did u mean there is no relative merit or demerit? Pls mention what else do u need and how it's relavant for ur answer.
when comparing <products> the comparison is carried on according to a list of criteria (weighted comparison) ..
according to the weight associated to each comparison factor the result might be different ...
( as an example IMS/DC has a <queued> terminal message handling approach CICS has a <synchronous> approach )
and in a few occasions I have seen it as a deal closer, both ways ...
since we do not belong to Your organization we cannot set the weights and define the items to compare
You might find some hints by searching the IBM redbook site
You are the one who needs help, so if somebody ( with more experience ) asks for additional info it would be wiser not to question the why
after all we reply on our own time and free of charge