Accessing IMS/DB with batch job and control cards

IBM's hierarchical database management system with a Database Manager (IMS DB) and a Transaction Manager(IMS DC)

Accessing IMS/DB with batch job and control cards

Postby Mike1304 » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:46 pm


I'm looking for utility to access IMS/DB databases with different types of calls (GU, GN..).
I do not want to write a program myself, but use input cards to decide which DBD and which access should be done.

I think there is a utility which sounds like [diddledoo], but I do not remember how it is spelled.

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Re: Accessing IMS/DB with batch job and control cards

Postby Mike1304 » Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:42 am

found it!
DDLT0 or exact DFSDDLT0
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Re: Accessing IMS/DB with batch job and control cards

Postby DFSHDC40 » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:38 am

to know it is to lose hair :o)
If the code hasn't been changed, why is the LKED date today?
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Re: Accessing IMS/DB with batch job and control cards

Postby Ed Goodman » Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:23 am

I like the "diddle-do" name better!
Please be careful with DLT0, it's nothing more than a program that makes IMS calls. So it can destroy something just as quickly as a COBOL program can. If you're doing any sort of quantity updates, you have to mind your log file and do checkpoints, just like a program.

We use it to delete segments and such, but for extracting data, it's kind useless because of the format of the output.

I use it mostly to test theories about how pointers and indexes work. It's very simple to set up the retrieval calls in the order you want.
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Re: Accessing IMS/DB with batch job and control cards

Postby Alison Oliveira » Mon Jan 23, 2012 5:55 pm

This "DFSDDLT0" is a standard IMS program to create or reload or download an IMS-DB??
Could you explain to me???

Thankss for help
Alison Oliveira
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Re: Accessing IMS/DB with batch job and control cards

Postby Ed Goodman » Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:44 pm

Yes, it's a supplied program that come with IMS. You run it like this:
//JS010  EXEC  PGM=DFSRRC00,                                       
//       PARM=(DLI,DFSDDLT0,GWP013,007,0000,,0,,N,0,T,,,Y,Y,IRLE,Y)

The second parm is a PSB that has what you need in it.

The parm cards look like:

S 1 1 1 1 1    WGDB03PC                                         
L        GU    GS03INDV*---(RECIP   EQ «)                   

The S command picks a PCB to work with, along with some options.
The L commands are the DL/I calls

The whole thing is covered in the "Application Programming: Database Manager" book, in a chapter called "DL/I Test Program (DFSDDLT0)"
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Re: Accessing IMS/DB with batch job and control cards

Postby Alison Oliveira » Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:55 pm

Thanks a lot man... but i don´t understand about this "parm card"...

I see this in others manuals and i keep confused...

What about this cards??? Why i need it?? What is it for???
Alison Oliveira
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