Hello sdbjz01 and welcome to the forums,
Yes, low-values is a typical initial value.
I was just wondering and there happens to be applications here that will not work if a field has low-values in it.
As this is a new field that no program currently uses (can't as it doesn't exist), the initial value shoud not be a problem.
Yes, I know I can write a program to intialize this new field
This could easily be done with a single update sql query. If you do not want (or are not permitted) to run the query in production, you might make a deal with the dba(s) that you would provide the query and jcl and they would run the update after the new field has been added.
I suspect that this is not the first new field ever added to a database and hopefuly, there are standards about how this is to be done on your system. If there are standards, i recommend following them. If there are none or if you believe they are incomplete, creating them or modifying the existing may be in order.