Hello, all!
I have been involved with IMS DB/DC since V1.3, mostly as a DBA, and for the first time ever, I am working in a DBCTL shop. (For the tyros, that’s IMS/DB with CICS as the transaction manager.) All DBs use VSAM as their access method, and none are registered to DBRC. I have one (HIDAM,VSAM) DB that is rapidly approaching the 4 Gb VSAM addressability limit.
I wish to convert this DB to use OSAM, which will give me an 8 Gb limit. I know how to set up the reorg to do this, but my problem is this: Since 1982, the entire backup/restore approach here has consisted of stopping all transactions that access a DB, then copying or archiving the underlying VSAM datasets (currently using CA-BrightStor/CA-Disk (DMS). They restore using the same product and procedure. Operations and the application folk are incredibly nervous about any changes to ‘the way we’ve always done it’. I know I should alter the process and introduce these folks to ‘real IMS’ and ImageCopy/Recovery, not to mention DBRC and the rest…. However, I have seen MVS Fast Dump Restore used for IMS DB recovery, but only on a pack by pack basis, restoring the whole data center for a DR test. For my particular situation, does anyone know if I could use DMS to archive the OSAM datasets underlying the DB?
Thanks and best regards.