how to handle junk data while using UNSTRING

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how to handle junk data while using UNSTRING

Postby gyt3 » Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:51 pm

My input file is a comma delimited file and it looks like this,
Sometimes, I may junk data in the input file like this

If i get a junk data, I need to move the junk values to a separate file and process the rest of data in my program.

Junk Output file :

I use unstring in my program to handle the comma seperated input file. Is it possible to move the junk data to a seperate file???Can someone help me out in this ??
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Re: how to handle junk data while using UNSTRING

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:10 pm

please review Your understanding of UNSTRING and JUNK DATA
the two things are not related

UNSTRING ... separates an <input> string in <tokens> according to some <separator> char full stop
JUNK DATA ... is something UNSTRING is unaware of
it is You(Your program) that after UNSTRING must analyze each <token> for compliance with the expected data format ( not JUNK DATA )

or as an alternative You can verify that the <input> string contains ONLY valid chars
( ALPHABETICS and NUMBERS for example , and the UNSTRNG separator naturally)
butit will just a generic check

and after that proceed with unstring

but still afterwards You will have to check also the <unstringed> data for validity ( numerics for example )
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Re: how to handle junk data while using UNSTRING

Postby NicC » Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:02 pm

Do not multi-post. I cannot o anything about it on other forums but I am locking this topic.
The problem I have is that people can explain things quickly but I can only comprehend slowly.
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