What might be a problem?
if You want good answers learn to post good questions...
what You told is not enough to start analyzing the problem
look Yourself at the jes log of Your tso session ,
to see ALL the messages issued, look at the messages manual
to see what is going on
after that if there is something You do not understand
somebody will be glad to help You
doing a bit of reading on Your behalf ( system codes )
Explanation: The error was detected by the end-of-volume routine. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC030I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC030I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15.
Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC030I.
System Programmer Response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job.
Source: DFSMSdfp