I'm trying to figure out what line of code is cause a SOC4. I see the address from the sdsf outout. This client does not have anything like dumpmaster so I'm not sure what to do with the address and offset. When I do a fine on this in the output there is no displayable data.
The program itself is quite simple - reads in two flat files, checks a bunch of conditions, writes out a message
The soc4 ALWAYS occurs after reading the 50th record, no matter what the data is. I've put in display and can verify that it reads exactly 50 records and dies.
I even tried running with the same input reccord - a made a file with 100 copies of the same record. I know that it processes this record okay. Again, it abended on the 50th record.
The only thing unusually about this program is that one of the input files has a fixed block record length of 28500. I'm thinking that the Soc4 is a storage issue because of the size of the input record. Maybe I need to do something with the block size or the region size? block size right now is equal to one record