Nik22Dec wrote:BillyBoyo wrote:Expand on the previous solution you were given. Two-dimensional table, using customer-id converted to suitable index/subscript. flush/initialise table on change of customer-id. don't forget to do the last cutsomer-id flushing.
What Billy has proposed is absolutely corect. But, in case if you want to retain the entire data read till you exit the program, you can use an additional one-dimensional array to store the conumer-id & a two-dimensional array to compute the total expenditure of that consumer in a given month. Both the arrays will store corresponding information at the same index. For e.g. -
Array 1 - Row 1 - Cons 1
Array 2 - Row 1/Column1 - Total Exp. by Cons 1 in Jan
Array 2 - Row 1/Column2 - Total Exp. by Cons 1 in Feb
Array 2 - Row 1/Column3 - Total Exp. by Cons 1 in Mar & so on.
Thanks & Regards,
Thanks once again Billy. That's exactly what my point was when I wrote the above given approach. In my approach, the table would never be sparsely populated. Please find below an illustration.
Table 1 - Pos. 1 - Cons 1
Table 2 - Pos. 1/1 - Total Exp. by Cons 1 in Jan
Table 2 - Pos. 1/2 - Total Exp. by Cons 1 in Feb
Table 2 - Pos. 1/3 - Total Exp. by Cons 1 in Mar & so on.
Table 1 - Pos. 2 - Cons 134
Table 2 - Pos. 2/1 - Total Exp. by Cons 134 in Jan
Table 2 - Pos. 2/2 - Total Exp. by Cons 134 in Feb
Table 2 - Pos. 2/3 - Total Exp. by Cons 134 in Mar & so on.
Table 1 - Pos. 3 - Cons 1000000
Table 2 - Pos. 3/1 - Total Exp. by Cons 1000000 in Jan
Table 2 - Pos. 3/2 - Total Exp. by Cons 1000000 in Feb
Table 2 - Pos. 3/3 - Total Exp. by Cons 1000000 in Mar & so on.
Using a simple SEARCH, you can find the index value of any consumer id in Table 1 & corresponding expenditure details in Table 2.
In this case, the table would never contain an unwanted details.Doeas that make sense to you now.
Thanks & Regards,