Hi All,
Need urgent help in resolving SOC4 Reason code 4.
Our program is such a way that it gets triggered from JCL ==> Prog A ==> Prog B. For the first 1 requests the call to Prog B is successful whereas in the 3rd request we get the SOC4 abend. This is happening in UAT region but when we test with the same file in the development region we're unable to recreate this scenario.
We had also checked the compiler options, AMODE, RMODE, Link edit options and everything looks the same as in development. Looking at the Dump it is saying that Prog B is impacted. For some reason, some of the information we couldn't check it in our Dumpmaster tool (might be some setting issue); unable to view the last instruction executed etc.
I've put some of the information from Dumpmaster.
It is exactly failing once it enters ProgB. We suspect the linkage section. We both use the same copybook and length is one and the same. Copybook as OCCURS 500 times inbetween which might be causing the problem. In ProgB it is having a group move of 01 level (is this a problem)? Since ProgB is not owned by us we need to give the exact reason to have it fixed.
Please help!!!
Durga R