by Robert Sample » Sat Sep 17, 2011 6:00 pm
Terminology is critical in IT, where similar terms may mean very different things. Your topic title mentions "alternate", which on a mainframe forum generally is referring to the alternate index of a VSAM KSDS file. Your topic mentions"alternative" which is a term that makes absolutely no sense in the context of the question. So start over and restate your question, bearing in mind:
1. if you mention "file", you need to tell us if it is a sequential (flat) file, a VSAM file (and if VSAM, is it RRDS, ESDS, KSDS, linear), or a BDAM file
2. if you really meant VSAM KSDS with alternate index, you'll need to tell us what you are accessing it with -- a system utility or a program you wrote yourself
3. in many cases, you'll need to give us the record format (fixed or variable) as well as the record length (maximum record length for variable)