steve-myers wrote:This is your typical very poorly worded question. "I created a sequential dataset with 3.2 of 300 characters long." 3.2 What? Based on other responses it appears to be ISPF Option 3.2, but that gives no clue as to how data was placed into the dataset, which is not in the question. Then MrSpock asked for the profile, and you responded with the TSO session profile, which is not the appropriate ptofile for this question. Then enrico-sorichetti guessed (there is no other apprpriate term) that it was a line number inserted by ISPF EDIT, which appatently was the correct answer.
I disagree; Dr. Sorichetti applied intelligence guided by experience.
I agree that the question
was poorly worded, but that is because people who thirty years ago might or might not be considered for a job tending line printers are now being hired as DBAs, system programmers, and storage managers. Even with a reasonable amount of knowledge and reasonable command of English, however, anything short of a complete "info dump" might not give all we need to solve the problem; another analyst and I puzzled for ten minutes over a Panvalet extract problem before the analyst with the problem casually mentioned that he was trying to extract source code to a load library!
When we are presented with a problem, and someone can say, "Yes, I've seen this a hundred times; your problem is...", the more power to him. Otherwise, we go through the routine of asking, "Show us A, B, and C"...and the querent is too humiliated to show A and produces the irrelevant D instead of C.
"You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately ... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!" -- what I say to a junior programmer at least once a day