I have a COBOL utility that CALLs a number of other modules, a few of which are rather old and run only in 24 mode. To CALL these modules, I need to pass them storage that is comperable, and thus below the line. I am currently using a little ALC program to obtain storage below the line, but as we have upgraded to LE, I thought that I should replace this with the built-in LE function of CEEGTST. Unfortunately, what one might think would be a farily simple thing to do is, in IBM's usual implimentation, extremely confusing. I want to be able to obtain some storage below the line, and other storage above the line. CEEGTST does not have a simple option for this, as my ALC routine does, and instead creates a HEAPID, for which the documentation I have found is truly arcane. Apparently, I have to create two HEAPIDs? And somehow one of them is specified as below the line and the other as above? I have not been able to find a good example of this. Has anyone else already done this? (I may have to end up just keeping my ALC routine.)
. . . oh, and PLEASE, no April Fool's Day jokes . . .