we have an i/p file of the format
trans-id item1 f11 f12 f13 f14 ....f1n item2 f21 f22 f23 ...f2n item3...........
itemn fn1 fn2...fnn
We have the record spanned to 2-3 rows and indicator at the begining mentions the number of span out of number of rows it
eg:if the record spanned to 2 rows,we have an indicator like
12(in first row)
22(in second row)
now we need to get the fields requested ,in the o/p files from this kind of input file and the number of fields reuested
in the o/p file may vary in future
We thought of having another i/p file with the requested details.
item pos.of-the-field-(in the item) length-of-field
AB 10 10
CD 250 20
In the program we will process each item and write the whole item into a record(with item layout ..internal).From that we can
get the required field in the o/p.
But here the number of i.p fields required varies,which should be added at the bottom.But for every record the input file
must be read till end of file . And giving just the pos may have problems.So do we have any other option to achive this.