by Quasar » Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:45 pm
Hello -
Here's my understanding.
The Program is Killed - ABEND
When a Program encounters an exceptional situation(error), which it is unable to handle, the OS has to intervene and KILL the Program. This is called an Abend. When an Abend occurs, the MVS OS is in a hurry to rush to the Abend-Exit door, and flushes out all "the remaining steps" in the Job. Every ABEND has ABEND Code.
The Program terminates peacefully -
When a Program encounters an exception, which it was designed to detect and handle, it comes to an end peacefully, by executing STOP RUN. The Software Program complains about this error(exception) by setting a two-digit status code, called COND CODE or RETURN Code. Programs set different Return-codes, to indicate different things to the Outside-world, and raise an alarm. Such programs are said to be robust.
However, when I began to work with the UCC CA-7 product, the lines between these two are quite hazy. I mean, I used to hear several folks at my shop, treating a Program setting a bad return-code, as an "ABEND", atleast in common parlance(in English).
Thank you very much.
Quasar Chunawala,
Software Engineer, Lives at Borivali, Mumbai