by steve-myers » Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:44 am
To expand upon Mr. Scherrer's post. The carriage control character is in the first byte of each logical record. The common ones are 1, to start a new page, blank to start a new line, 0 to insert a blank line before printing the current line, - to insert two blank lines, and + to overprint the current line with the new line. With the advent of page oriented printers (laser printers), + has fallen into disuse because it produces unpredictable results.
There are other carriage control characters, but they are very rarely used since they require special carriage control "tapes" for very old line printers or carriage control images for newer printers. If the correct carriage control information was not available to the printer the use of these carriage controls caused extremely undesirable results at the printer, especially in older printers that used carriage control "tapes." Technically 1 requires a carriage control tape or image, but this is almost always provided.