I am having a requirement to Append the FileA with File B Contents if there is a Match in Key where in the File A and the FIle B are sorted with Different variables
File A is a sorted file with DU_ID and the File B is Sorted file with State_Id.
I have achieved the same Using Eazytrive code and a set of sort steps.
a) Sort the File A with fileb key(Say State_ID)
b) wrote a EAZytrive code to merge the Fileb records to File A to make it to have LRECL of 1500 for matched condition and filler for unmathched condition
F) Again sort the Output with the file a key (DU_ID) .
As the volume of Records that has been handled is huge 50 Milliion records in file A and 50 thousand Records in File B.
the job is taking a lot of time to complete its Execution because of Sort Step Prior and After the Eazy trive code.
I cannot use the binary Search feature of the eazytrive as the ARG and DESC variables of the lookup table should not Exceed 254 Length . in my case it is 301.
Kindly Suggest , is there any best way to handle this issue so as to reduce the job Execution time.