Facing problem while rewriting a VSAM file

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Facing problem while rewriting a VSAM file

Postby ajuatsgp » Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:02 pm


I have a Vsam file having Header and Trailer.
I am opening that file in I-O mode and while doing rewrite I am getting Logic error and file status 92.

I have tried wirth Sequential,Random access.
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Re: Facing problem while rewriting a VSAM file

Postby Robert Sample » Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:08 pm

Is this happening on the first record or last record or some record in between? Is it reproducible -- if you run the same program again, does it do exactly the same thing? A file status 92 on a REWRITE most of the time means the primary key was changed between the READ and the REWRITE, although there can be other reasons for it. Have you defined the expanded VSAM file status key? If so, what are the values reported by it? If not, add the expanded VSAM file status key to the program and rerun to get the VSAM return code, reason code, and feedback code as they are much more detailed (in most cases) than the standard file status code.
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