Hi Helen,
I'm sorry, maybe I need learn assemble language right now
At this point i suspect that being able to read some assembler would be helpful
These links are to a Princilpes of Operations (The Bible
), a site that shows many assembler instruction examples, and an Introduction for Assembler.
http://publibz.boulder.ibm.com/cgi-bin/ ... 0504121320http://www.simotime.com/asmins01.htm http://ulita.ms.mff.cuni.cz/pub/predn/s ... BM_390.pdfactually, exist a assmeber statement does like that: nnnnbb or x'0000000000f0' ==>num1, so we got nnnnb0, is that right?
Not quite, i suspect. And depending on exactly which compiler with which options in effect, the generated code might be different.
I don't know how to check the assembler statement in our output
Specify LIST in the COBOL options for the compile. You will see something like:
000044 MOVE
00069A D205 8978 A0B1 MVC 2424(6,8),177(10) NUM0
000045 MOVE
0006A0 D201 897E C02A MVC 2430(2,8),42(12) NUM1
0006A6 D205 8980 8978 MVC 2432(6,8),2424(8) NUM1+2
0006AC 96F0 8985 OI 2437(8),X'F0' NUM1+7
000046 IF
0006B0 F247 D120 897E PACK 288(5,13),2430(8,8) TS2=0
0006B6 960F D124 OI 292(13),X'0F' TS2=4
0006BA F245 D128 8986 PACK 296(5,13),2438(6,8) TS2=8
0006C0 960F D12C OI 300(13),X'0F' TS2=12
0006C4 D504 D120 D128 CLC 288(5,13),296(13) TS2=0
0006CA 4770 B1B8 BC 7,440(0,11) GN=5(000
000047 DISPLAY
0006CE 5820 905C L 2,92(0,9) TGTFIXD+
0006D2 58F0 202C L 15,44(0,2) V(IGZCDS
0006D6 4110 A3B3 LA 1,947(0,10) PGMLIT A
0006DA 0DEF BASR 14,15
which is from the experiment using the 8-byte num1.