Please share your compilation JCL.
From the info you've shared -
CobDummy wrote:- once I compile a cobol program it will be created in some syslib, that I need to mention in JCL while submitting the job, how to find the syslib path where the programs are being created.
Are you looking for the merged source of the COBOL program or the load module generated, post completion of IGYCRCTL execution?
Either way, have a look
here first, to understand a user-defined IGYCRCTL JCL construct, and the DD statements required for it.
SYSLIB in an IGYCRCTL JCL is used to provide COPY-book libraries for compilation; which brings us to the second part of your question:
CobDummy wrote:- trying to use copy in cobol program but its giving error, member not found in copy library, I am not sure which one is copy library..
From what you state, it means that the COPY statement copybook (mentioned by you in the COBOL program) is not present in any of the PDS/E given in your SYSLIB DD concatenation.
Concatenate the correct PDS/E (which has the said COPY member present in it) to the SYSLIB; and try running your compilation JCL again.
<Edit: Sorry Enrico, didn't see you'd already posted the reply>