000475 IF
000F44 5850 912C L 5,300(0,9) BLW=0
000F48 5840 5090 L 4,144(0,5) PARM-COUNT
000F4C 4940 A06C CH 4,108(0,10) PGMLIT AT +20
000F50 47B0 BA42 BC 11,2626(0,11) GN=48(000F7E)
000F44 5850 912C L 5,300(0,9) BLW=0
000F48 5840 5090 L 4,144(0,5) PARM-COUNT
000F4C 4940 A06C CH 4,108(0,10) PGMLIT AT +20
000F50 47B0 BA42 BC 11,2626(0,11) GN=48(000F7E)
The register display from dumpmaster shows this:
Entry point at 2D87FEE8
Registers at abend
0 00000000_2E61060C 1 00000000_00000000 2 00000000_2E860210 3 00000000_2E813878
4 00000000_40404040 5 00000000_2E860290 6 00000000_2E610598 7 00000000_40404040
8 00000000_2E84F318 9 00000000_2E70D828 A 00000000_2D87FFFC B 00000000_2D880418
C 00000000_2D87FFE4 D 00000000_00055D70 E 00000000_2E84F324 F 00000000_40000000
Registers at abend
0 00000000_2E61060C 1 00000000_00000000 2 00000000_2E860210 3 00000000_2E813878
4 00000000_40404040 5 00000000_2E860290 6 00000000_2E610598 7 00000000_40404040
8 00000000_2E84F318 9 00000000_2E70D828 A 00000000_2D87FFFC B 00000000_2D880418
C 00000000_2D87FFE4 D 00000000_00055D70 E 00000000_2E84F324 F 00000000_40000000
Register 5 does contain the BLW value for working storage (2E860290) and the displacement for PARM-COUNT is correct at 144 (hex 90).
How is it conceivable for register 4 to be messed up and seemingly to be the cause of our OC4, when it just got properly loaded with the
address of PARM-COUNT ???