I would like to convert the 4 digit Year to 2 digit ID as per the below mentioned rules
4 digit year 2 digit ID
2010 - 2019 A0 - A9
2020 - 2029 B0 - B9
2030 - 2039 C0 - C9
2040 - 2049 D0 - D9
2050 - 2059 E0 - E9
2010 - 2019 A0 - A9
2020 - 2029 B0 - B9
2030 - 2039 C0 - C9
2040 - 2049 D0 - D9
2050 - 2059 E0 - E9
i.e., when year of construction comes as 2012, the 2 digit ID card should be A2. When 4 digit year comes as 2042, the 2 digit ID card should be D2.
I came with EVALUATE logic but it is coming too large. Can anyone please throw some COBOL logic to convert this 4 digit year to 2 digit ID card.
Or declaring all the values in internal table in COBOL module is the only solution.
Please help.