CA7 vs ESP differences

CA's Workload Automation Restart & Tracking tool to eliminate restart errors and speed up recovery times

CA7 vs ESP differences

Postby tompatino » Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:45 am

I have used both CA7/CA11 and ESP in different installations. But, I haven't used CA7 in 6-7 years.
I know one difference is that in CA7, each job is scheduled separately, whereas in ESP, events are scheduled and each event can contain many jobs.
I would like other's thoughts on the differences and similarities between CA7 and ESP.

Also, I have used REXX imbedded in EPS procs. Can CA7 utilize REXX as well?
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Re: CA7 vs ESP differences

Postby kalyanbrata.dhar » Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:36 am

ultimately CA7 do not execute any thing.. it schedules the batch to some operating system. if the operating supports rexx, CA7 can schedule them.
I am using rexx codes scheduled from CA7 to run in z-OS

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