i have 2 jobs running daily in hourly basis
Job A schid(001) trigger job B (001) trigger job A schid(002) trigger job B(002)........... job A schid(23) trigger job B schid(23)
job C is a sucessor for A job.
job A ruunig 24 times by diffrent schedule id like schid=01 submit at 0001, schid=02 submit at 1, schid=03 submit at =02...... like schid= 24 submit at 23 hrs...
Job B running same as 24 times same as A by sscan mode like schid 001 submit at 1'o clock, schid 002 submit at 2'o click ...... so i can see jobs in ca7 like blow
A REQ 0402 243/1901 *NONE* 243/1910 ALL- 001 AUTO 001
------------------------- REQUIREMENTS STATUS -----------------------
_______ INTERNAL JOB=C DATE/TIME=12243/0100
after 1 hour schid 2 show like below
A REQ 0402 243/1901 *NONE* 243/1910 ALL- 002 AUTO 001
------------------------- REQUIREMENTS STATUS -----------------------
_______ INTERNAL JOB=C DATE/TIME=12243/0200
A REQ 0402 243/1901 *NONE* 243/1910 ALL- 003 AUTO 001
------------------------- REQUIREMENTS STATUS -----------------------
_______ INTERNAL JOB=C DATE/TIME=12243/0300
The Job A(schid001) which sould completed at 0001 am failed some reason and it fixed at 3'o clock (2 hours dely) .As soon as job A (schid 001) fixed at 3
it triggers job B(schid 002) runs at 3'o clk and it trigger job A (schid02) too ,
My question is now job A has two sccessor's since it running on 3.15 'o clock so it will be like this below
A REQ 0402 243/1901 *NONE* 243/1910 ALL- 002 AUTO 001
------------------------- REQUIREMENTS STATUS -----------------------
___x____ INTERNAL JOB=c DATE/TIME=12243/0200
___x____ INTERNAL JOB=C DATE/TIME=12243/0300
As per schedule Job job A(schid002) rquirment job c (schid-002)alone complete but this case job c(schid=003) also completed.
if job A (schid =04) will run or job will trap in ca7 for c(schid=003) since ran alredy .
is it called out of sequence in schedule ?, please guide me