Ca7 Monitoring Questions

Unicenter CA-7 Job Management: CA's workload automation tool for managing, visualizing, automating, optimizing applications

Ca7 Monitoring Questions

Postby Malu » Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:13 pm

I have couple of questions, appreciate anyone who could help me with the reply

1) I have a job A in the request queue waiting with job requirement B. I see there is date and time for the requirement
beside it, what does this date and time resemble? example as below, what that date and time mean?

INTERNAL JO---B--- 11289/14:23

2)I find that a job A is auto job, triggered by some dataset B .How would i know or drill down to find out when would this job A get triggered?
Also how do we find it when the job A is demand job.

3) I want to check the jobs in the queue wth th prefix of the jobname.(example : lq,st=late,job=ABC*)
But can I use or is there a command to check multiple prefixes at the same time?

4) I have seen a job which abended in ACtive queue, the job wasnt going to the request queue.Why did the job abend in ACTIVE queue?
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Re: Ca7 Monitoring Questions

Postby NicC » Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:44 pm

One question per topic please. Otherwise you, and others, may get confused as to which post is reponding to which question. Also, "a couple" means 2 - not 4.
The problem I have is that people can explain things quickly but I can only comprehend slowly.
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Re: Ca7 Monitoring Questions

Postby Robert Sample » Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:02 pm

1. Did you do an LREQ? if not, what command did you use to see the display you posted? The LREQ command contains headers on the screen describing each column.

2. Use command LJOB,JOB=A,LIST=TRIG

3. The online HELP for CA-7 does not list multiple prefixes as being possible.

4. You DO realize that the ACT queue is the jobs running on the system at any given moment, right? So if a job abends in the ACT queue, it is because the executing job abended.

Your questions indicate you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY need to find the CA-7 manuals at your site and read them -- cover to cover. Everything you asked is easily answered in the manuals, or in the online help system for CA-7. So why are you not consulting the manuals yourself? This is NOT a manual-reading service, it is a help forum.
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Re: Ca7 Monitoring Questions

Postby Malu » Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:54 pm

1)Yes i give LREQ,JOB=JOBA

JOBA REQ 4466 345/1800 *NONE* 345/1809 ALL- 020 AUTO 001 LATE

------------------------- REQUIREMENTS STATUS -------------------------
_______ INTERNAL JOB=JOBB DATE/TIME=07343/1700


LJOB,JOB=A,LIST=TRIG, gives me the dataset name only but how wuld i know when will the dataset trigger

3) thanks for the info

4) When a job abends it should be in the request queue, here i find that the job is in the active queue.
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Re: Ca7 Monitoring Questions

Postby Robert Sample » Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:14 pm

1. LREQ tells you:


ABCDEF REQ 6591 291/1158 291/1130 291/1230 ALL- 024 SSCN 001

------------------------- REQUIREMENTS STATUS -------------------------
_______ WAITING FOR SUBMIT TIME (11291 11:30)

If you don't know what the deadline means, or sub/start time means, or due out time means -- you should be reading CA-7 manuals to find out, not posting questions here.

2. From the CA-7 online help menu (emphasis added by me):
RQNWK - Network requirements only
RQUSR - User memo-form requirements only
RQVRM - Virtual resource requirements only
RQEXCP - ONLY and SKIP requirements only
SCHD - Schedule information only
STEPDD - Job, step & DD information
TRIG - Jobs and/or data sets that trigger this
as well as all jobs that are triggered
by this job
If you don't know what a dataset trigger is or when it occurs, then you shouldn't be here -- you should be reading the CA-7 manuals.

4. Talk to your site CA-7 group. They may be able to explain what is going on. Personally, I never pay attention to what queue the job is in -- I use LQ, XQJ, and LJOB for most of my CA-7 activity. I monitor some jobs, edit JCL or force jobs complete or restart them, and list out the job details. If I need to do anything else, I'll consult the CA-7 experts in our shop, or read the manuals or go through the online help facility until I find what I need.
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Re: Ca7 Monitoring Questions

Postby Malu » Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:27 pm

Here the job ABCDEF is waiting for a submit time rqeuirement, i am aware of this.
I am asking ,when a job is waiting for a job requirement.
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Re: Ca7 Monitoring Questions

Postby Robert Sample » Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:26 pm

I'm still puzzled why you did not contact the vendor for support --if your site ahs the product, then you are entitled to get support from the vendor. Based upon what I'm seeing:
ABCDNTB3 REQ 6633 291/1158 291/1200 291/1230  ALL-     002 SSCN  001

       ------------------------- REQUIREMENTS STATUS -------------------------
       _______ WAITING FOR SUBMIT TIME (11291 12:00)
       ___X___ INTERNAL JOB=ABC7122N   DATE/TIME=11291/0344
       ___X___ INTERNAL JOB=ABC7123N   DATE/TIME=11291/0344
       ___X___ INTERNAL JOB=ABC7121N   DATE/TIME=11291/0344
for these three jobs, the X indicates the requirement was met and the date / time reflects what the requirement was met. I suspect -- but do not know -- that the lack of an X in your posted output indicates the requirement has not yet been met and the job JOBB has not executed yet.
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