job failure not on xq

Unicenter CA-7 Job Management: CA's workload automation tool for managing, visualizing, automating, optimizing applications

job failure not on xq

Postby Nick » Sun Mar 13, 2016 12:28 pm

hoping someone can point me in the right direction here

Scenario is....
had a job failure
reran it but it failed again due to a typo
the job is no longer appearing in xq,job=, yet i see it when doing a lq,job= and its appearing with a state of late, is that because it has gone past its dueout/deadline times, if so how do get it back on the xq?

thanks in advance
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Re: job failure not on xq

Postby andredh » Wed May 25, 2016 8:52 pm

Probably your job got stuck in the Ready Queue, due to the JCL error

In order to move it back to Request Queue, use the command REQUEUE,JOB=jobname , and it will show up in XQ in abended status.
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