There are lots...............
ADDRQ - (SPO0) Add a temporary job dependency or user requirement
ADDSCH - (SPO0) Delay scheduled start and due-out times by up to
24 hours
AL - (UTL0) Allocate a data set
ALC - (UTL0) Allocate and catalog a data set
ALLOC - (UTL0) Dynamically allocate a volume under MVS
APA - (MLR0) Menu of statistical graphs
AR - (AR00) Automated Recovery Facility (ARF)
ARFP - (SPO0) Purge ARF elements for a job in the queues
ARTS - (UTL0) Inquiry and update to CA-11 CMT and JEHF
BLDG - (UTL0) Build a generation data group index
CALMOD - (SDM0) Online calendar maintenance
CANCEL - (SPO0) Remove jobs and scheduled workstations from the CA 7
CAT - (UTL0) Catalog a data set
CONN - (UTL0) Connect high level catalog indexes
CTLG - (SPO0) Maintenance facility for the CA 7 catalog
DB - (SDM0) Database maintenance
DCONN - (UTL0) Disconnect catalog indexes
DEALLOC - (UTL0) Release volumes previously allocated by ALLOC
DEMAND - (SPO0) Force immediate scheduling of a CA 7 controlled job
DEMANDH - (SPO0) Force immediate scheduling of a CA 7 controlled job
and place it in a hold status
DIRECT - (SPO0) Change the MAIN-ID of jobs in the request or ready
DLTX - (UTL0) Delete inactive indexes in the system catalog
DMDNW - (SPO0) Force immediate scheduling of CA 7 controlled
DMPCAT - (UTL0) Dump the first catalog block for a specified DSN
DMPDSCB - (UTL0) Dump the format-1 DSCB for a specified DSN
DMPDSN - (UTL0) Dump specified data set records
DUMP - (SLI0) Hexadecimal dump of CA 7 database records
FALL - (SFC0) Forecast all jobs and workstations
FIND - (UTL0) Search DASD volumes for a particular data set
FJOB - (SFC0) Forecast jobs
FLOWD - (SPO0) Delete active CPM flow elements
FLOWL - (SLI0) Display information on active CPM flows
FPOST - (SFC0) Forecast output workstations
FPRE - (SFC0) Forecast input workstations
FQALL - (SFC0) Forecast jobs and workstations, including what is in
the queues
FQJOB - (SFC0) Forecast jobs, including what is in the queues
FQPOST - (SFC0) Forecast output workstations, including what is in
the post-process queue
FQPRE - (SFC0) Forecast input workstations, including what is in
the pre-process queue
FQRES - (SFC0) Forecast resources for jobs and workstations,
including what is in the queues
FQSTN - (SFC0) Forecast workstations, including what is in queues
FQTAPE - (SFC0) Create tape pull list for jobs, including what is in
the queues
FRES - (SFC0) Forecast resources for jobs and workstations
FRJOB - (SFC0) Reverse jobflow structure for jobs (database only)
FRQJOB - (SFC0) Reverse jobflow structure for jobs (database+queues)
FSTN - (SFC0) Forecast workstations
FSTRUC - (SFC0) Display trigger structure of jobs
FTAPE - (SFC0) Create a tape pull list for jobs
FWLP - (SFC0) Generate workload planning data
GRAPHD - (MLR0) Graph database data
GRAPHJ - (MLR0) Graph job data
GRAPHN - (MLR0) Graph network data
GRAPHS - (MLR0) Graph system data
HELP - (SLI0) Formatted screen for requesting tutorials
HOLD - (SPO0) Hold job movement currently in the CA 7 queues
IN - (SPO0) Record the start of workstation activity
IO - (SPO0) Record start and completion of workstation activity
JCLOVRD - (SPO0) Establish or satisfy a JCL override requirement
LACT - (SLI0) List jobs in the active queue
LACTR - (SLI0) List resource info for jobs in the active queue
LARF - (SLI0) List ARFSET definition information
LARFQ - (SLI0) List active ARF queue information
LCTLG - (SLI0) List catalog entries from the CA 7 database
LDSN - (SLI0) List data set entries from the CA 7 database
LDTM - (SLI0) List analysis of RQMT satisfaction lead times
LGVAR - (SLI0) List global variables
LIST - (SJR0) List jobs that require a restart
LISTDIR - (UTL0) List a PDS directory
LJCK - (SLI0) List JCL for job (& validate if JCLCHECK installed)
LJCL - (SLI0) List JCL entries for specified jobs
LJES - (SLI0) List jobs in ACT and/or PRN queues showing JES #
LJOB - (SLI0) List job information
LJOBR - (SLI0) List job resource information
LLIB - (SLI0) List Librarian or Panvalet members (read only)
LLOCK - (SLI0) List elements of the database in a locked status
LNODE - (SLI0) List entries in the XPJOB in-storage node table
LNTWK - (SLI0) List network information
LOAD - (SPO0) Initiate the database load of a job
LOADH - (SPO0) Initiate the database load of a job in hold status
LOC - (SLI0) List contents of catalog for specified data sets
LOGIN - (SPO0) Record the start of workstation activity
LOGOUT - (SPO0) Record the completion of workstation activity
LPDS - (SLI0) List members of a PDS or sequential data set
LPOST - (SLI0) List entries from the post-process queue
LPRE - (SLI0) List entries from the pre-process queue
LPROS - (SLI0) List a prose member
LPRRN - (SLI0) List entries from the prior-run queue
LQ - (SLI0) List entries from the CA 7 queues
LQP - (SLI0) List priority info from REQ and RDY queues
LQR - (SLI0) List resource info from REQ, RDY, and ACT queues
LRDY - (SLI0) List entries from the ready queue
LRDYP - (SLI0) List priority info from the ready queue
LRDYR - (SLI0) List resource info from the ready queue
LREQ - (SLI0) List entries from the request queue
LREQP - (SLI0) List priority info from the request queue
LREQR - (SLI0) List resource info from the request queue
LRES - (SLI0) List resources required by a given job
LRLOG - (SLI0) List run log information
LRMD - (SLI0) List reminder entries from pre-process queue
LSCHD - (SLI0) List schedule information
LSYS - (SLI0) List job info & data set xref for a job or system
LWLB - (SLI0) List resource information
MAP - (UTL0) List attributes of DASD data sets
NOPRMP - (SPO0) Temporarily suspend prompting
NXTCYC - (SPO0) Skip, start, or stop normally scheduled processing
OUT - (SPO0) Record the completion of workstation activity
POST - (SPO0) Satisfy job requirements
PRINT - (SRC0) Print base calendars
PRMP - (SPO0) Reinstate temporarily suspended prompting
PRRNDEL - (SAN0) List jobs in prior-run queue and/or delete them
PRRNJCL - (SAN0) List jobs in prior-run queue that have retained JCL,
and optionally delete that JCL
PRSCF - (SPO0) Free a pending resource
PRSQA - (SPO0) Activate a corequisite resource
PRSQD - (SPO0) Deactivate a corequisite resource
PS - (PS00) Display the CA 7/Personal Scheduling panel
QJCL - (SDM0) JCL queued for a job currently in the queues
QM - (SQM0) Menu of queue maintenance functions
RELEASE - (SPO0) Allow normal scheduling flow for work held
REMIND - (SPO0) Send reminder messages to workstations
RENAME - (UTL0) Rename DASD data sets
REQUEUE - (SPO0) Move a job back to the request queue
RESANL - (SAN0) Review tape drives for jobs to create/update values
used by workload balancing routines
RESCHNG - (SPO0) Free tape drives that are no longer needed
RESOLV - (SRC0) Select schedule members for schedule resolution
RESTART - (SJR0) Restart a job with or without CA-11 control
RM - (RSC0) Virtual Resource Management
RQMT - (SAN0) Review predecessor job dependencies to create/update
forward reference nodes (pred)
RQVER - (SAN0) Review and update unsatisfied internal job/DSN
requirements in the request queue
RSVP - (SPO0) Acknowledge prompts for late or abended work
RUN - (SPO0) Schedule a job to run without input requirement
checking or completion processing
RUNH - (SPO0) Schedule a job to run in HOLD status without input
requirement checking or completion processing
RUNNW - (SPO0) Force scheduling of a CA 7 workstation without
completion processing
RUSH - (SPO0) Flag work as being critical
SCHDMOD - (SDM0) Resolved schedule modifications
SCRATCH - (UTL0) Scratch DASD data sets
SPACE - (UTL0) Display information about DASD volumes
SSCAN - (SPO0) Activate schedule scan or change parameters
START - (SPO0) Reactivate interrupted queue activity
STOP - (SPO0) Interrupt normal queue activity
SUBMIT - (SPO0) Force input requirement satisfaction and JCL
SUBSCH - (SPO0) Expedite schedule start and due-out times by up to
24 hours
SUBTM - (SPO0) Modify a job submit time requirement
TIQ - (UTL0) Inquiry for CA-1 TMC (Tape Management Catalog)
TIQU - (UTL0) Update for CA-1 TMC (Tape Management Catalog)
TRIG - (SAN0) Review and update all trigger-related nodes (JDEP,
UNC - (UTL0) Uncatalog data sets
UT - (UTL0) Utilities menu
VERIFY - (SPO0) Establish or satisfy a job verification requirement
XNODE - (SDM0) Update permanent node definitions
XPJOB - (SDM0) Review or update XPJOB job definitions
XPOST - (SQM0) LOGIN/LOGOUT screen for output workstations
XPRE - (SQM0) LOGIN/LOGOUT screen for input workstations
XPSWD - (SDM0) Node/Owner Password associations
XQ - (SQM0) Update selection screen for jobs in native sequence
XQJ - (SQM0) Update selection screen for jobs in name sequence
XQM - (SQM0) Update selection screen for jobs (with RQMT summary)
XQN - (SQM0) Update selection screen for jobs in CA7# sequence
XREF - (SAN0) Review data set and/or network entries for incomplete
using job cross-references
XRQ - (SQM0) Screen for request queue requirement posting
XRST - (SQM0) Screen for job restart
XSPOST - (SQM0) Short LOGIN/LOGOUT screen for output workstations
XSPRE - (SQM0) Short LOGIN/LOGOUT screen for input workstations
XUPD - (SQM0) Screen for updating job-type queue records
XWLB - (SQM0) Make temporary changes in WLB selection parameters
/ASSIGN - (SCM0) Modify CPU identification, job barrier limits, or
logical terminal assignments
/AUTO - (SCM0) Reuse a command at a specified interval
/BRO - (SCM0) Broadcast a queued message to all CA 7 terminals
/CHANGE - (SCM0) Modify an operator's security definition
/CLOSE - (SCM0) Close a terminal, line, or line group to processing
/COPY - (SCM0) Copy a page of display from one terminal to another
/DISPLAY - (SCM0) Review terminal network and internal system status
/DRCLASS - (SCM0) Add or remove active disaster recovery classes
/DRMODE - (SCM0) Modify disaster recovery mode options
/EADMIN - (SCM0) Maintain global email options
/ECHO - (SCM0) Preformat a command line for a 3270-type terminal
/EMAIL - (SCM0) Request an email be sent
/FETCH - (SCM0) Retrieve a VTAM terminal command
/GVAR - (SCM0) Add/update/delete global JCL variable definitions
/JCL - (SCM0) Add/update/delete a symbolic JCL library definition
/LOG - (SCM0) Write a free-form message to the log data set
/LOGOFF - (SCM0) End a terminal session
/LOGON - (SCM0) Start a terminal session
/MSG - (SCM0) Send a free-form message to another terminal
/MVS - (SCM0) Issue an MVS operator command
/NXTMSG - (SCM0) Display the next message queued to your terminal
/OPEN - (SCM0) Open a terminal, line, or line group for processing
/OPERID(S)- (SCM0) Display information about the OPERIDs defined
/PA - (SCM0) Assign a character string to a PA key on a 3270-type
/PAGE - (SCM0) Move forward or backward to review multiple pages
/PF - (SCM0) Assign a character string to a PF key on a 3270-type
/PROF(S) - (SCM0) Display/update CA 7 user profile(s)
/PURGPG - (SCM0) Purge all pages of output messages
/REFRESH - (SCM0) Refresh the UID RESOURCE/MSMR table
/RELINK - (SCM0) Dynamically replace a program with a newer version
/RESET - (SCM0) Reset the CA 7 job number counter to 1
/SDESK - (SCM0) Create a Unicenter Service Desk request
/SHUTDOWN - (SCM0) Cause normal termination of CA 7
/START - (SCM0) Start lines and terminals
/STOP - (SCM0) Stop lines and terminals
/SWAP - (SCM0) Cause the log files to be switched immediately
/UID - (SCM0) Update current UID security level or list the UID
resource table
/WLB - (SCM0) Modify workload balancing processing
/WTO - (SCM0) Issue messages to the operating system console
/XTASK - (SCM0) Send commands to cross platform ROUTER or TRACKER
You need to find out which one u need..
All the best