On-line dump

IBM's cross-platform compiler PL/I for MVS, VM & VSE, OS/390 and Enterprise PL/I for z/OS

On-line dump

Postby Zaragoza » Thu Sep 25, 2008 5:34 pm


I have a dump in an on-line programme, I haven't found information about how to read a dump, I usually find the line where the abend has been produced but in this case, I have an offset negative

Condition Information for Active Routines
Condition Information for TDIM853 (DSA address 000C8778)
CIB Address: 000CA0C0
Current Condition:
CEE3204S The system detected a protection exception (System Completion
Program Unit: TDIM853 Entry: ERRORS Statement: Offset: -00084B40
Machine State:
ILC..... 0000 Interruption Code..... 0004
PSW..... 078D2E00 BEE251BC
GPR0..... 000C97A0 GPR1..... 00000100 GPR2..... BEEA9D92 GPR3..... 3
GPR4..... 000C8848 GPR5..... 000A90C8 GPR6..... FF000000 GPR7..... F
GPR8..... 000C8A20 GPR9..... 000007CF GPR10.... 000C79C8 GPR11.... F
GPR12.... 0004AB40 GPR13.... 000C8778 GPR14.... BEEAA242 GPR15.... 3
FPC...... F0000000

I need to know where is the mistake and if somebody can provide me with documentation about how to read it and the value fields.

Thanks a lot of


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Re: On-line dump

Postby dick scherrer » Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:59 am

Hello Zaragoza and welcome to the forums,

Which online environment is being used?

I'd suggest you look at the link edit and see if anything is unresolved or if there are any other warnings (in the compile or in the link).
Hope this helps,
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