Dclgen in easytrive looks?

Unicenter CA-Easytrieve Plus Report Generator: CA's information retrieval and data management tool

Dclgen in easytrive looks?

Postby samudrasridhar » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:16 pm

Hi friends,
In cobol db2 program dclgen is used using 'include' statement. what keyword is used in easytrive to include dclgen in easytrive db2 program.
Is it possible to habe cics+easytrive program if yes please let me know how maps are included.
In cobol copy statement starts from 8th line similarly in easytrive from which line macros starts and what keyword we use to include macro
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Re: Dclgen in easytrive looks?

Postby BillyBoyo » Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:01 pm

You should have documentation on this, try to locate it.

Copybooks and includes Easytrieve achieves with its Macros. To invoke a macro it is %macname.

Easytrieve Plus is batch, so no it won't work with CICS.

The Easytrieve macro statement can start in any column. Thus you can indent them if necessary to make your code look nice.

If you can't find the documentation, 1) why not, but you can download a copy from CA if your site is licensed to use the product 2) browse the macrol library looking for names which seem to mean something to you for the task in hand. If you don't, yet, know the macro library, check your jcl for something likely-looking. It may be a PDS, or something else, depending what source-management you have.
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