summary reports in easythreive

Unicenter CA-Easytrieve Plus Report Generator: CA's information retrieval and data management tool

summary reports in easythreive

Postby 15943lbp » Thu May 20, 2010 7:53 am

good day!
can someone please help me to do a certain summary report wherein only the totals will be printed on the report..

here is the sample report:

report title
subtype1 subtype2 subtype3 subtype4

my situation is that..i have a vsam file..i will the if its aceptable with the report..get its brc code and also tsek its subtype code..meaning a record should be grouped into br and subtype codes...i only have to print the summary totals of each brc with corrrespondence with its subtype..if that brc do not have any record in should not be printed...please kindly help me with dis...thanks a lot
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Re: summary reports in easythreive

Postby dick scherrer » Thu May 20, 2010 8:11 am

Hello and welcome to the forum,

Which release of Easytrieve is being used (the output from an Easytrieve execution should show this)?

You need to post a more clear sample report. Show what the report will actually look like. Also show some sample input data that would be used to create the sample report.

What do you have so far? We will help working thru problems but won't write the code for you. We work hard to make this a "help" forum, not a "do your work for you" forum.
Hope this helps,
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Re: summary reports in easythreive

Postby 15943lbp » Thu May 20, 2010 10:00 am

yes i definitely understand wat u mean about that...i only need some advice on wat to do cause i cant figure out how am i gonna do the report..and one more thing how am i suppose to continue to wite a record having lets say 10 subtypes, if the only allowable subtype column per page would be 5???

// DLBL CUSTFL,'UOD.RM.RM.S00.RMCSTM.V',,VSAM,CAT=RM01UOC                   
// DLBL OUTFL,'UBD.MMMDDYY.RM.RM.S00.RMICR.STEMP'                           
// EXTENT SYS005,RM2UPL,1,0,1,800                                           
***** CUSTOMER MASTER FILE *****                                             
FILE CUSTFL VS                                                               
  RMMSRTCS-CUST-KEY         2      30      A                                   
  RMMSRTCS-CUST-NBR         18     14   N  HEADING('CUST NO')               
  C-TYPE                    145     1   A                                   
  RMMSRTCS-CUST-TYP-CD      328     1   A                                   
  RMMSRTCS-CUST-SUB-TYP-CD  329     2   A                                   
  RMMSRTCS-OFF-CD           356     5   A  HEADING('UNIT CD')               
  RMMSRTCS-OPENING-BR       393     3   A  HEADING('BRANCH CODE')           
  WS-PRT-NBR                    W      14     A                                   
    WS-PART-NUMBER WS-PRT-NBR  +8     6  A  HEADING('CUST NO')               
  WS-CUST-NBR                  W      14   A                                   
FILE OUTFL FB(380 380)                                                       
  OCUSTNO         17  14   A                                                 
  OSUB-TYP-CD     66   2   A                                                 
  OBRCH-CD           71    3    A                                                  
  OOFF-CD         86   5   A                                                 
  ODATE          360   8   A                                                 
  OCNT            W    3   N                                                 
JOB INPUT CUSTFL                                                             
 IF CUSTFL:C-TYPE NE 'C'                                                     
    GOTO JOB                                                                 
      MOVE RMMSRTCS-CUST-NBR TO OCUSTNO                                     
      MOVE RMMSRTCS-SUB-TYP TO  OSUB-TYP-CD                                 
      MOVE RMMSRTCS-OPENING-BR TO OBRCH-CD                                   
      MOVE RMMSRTCS-OFF-CD TO OOFF-CD                                       
      IF OBRCH-CD AND OOFF-CD EQ SPACES                                     
         MOVE '99' TO OSUB-TYP-CD                                           
      PUT OUTFL                                                             
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Re: summary reports in easythreive

Postby dick scherrer » Thu May 20, 2010 11:17 pm


You need to define a REPORT (instead of another FILE). Then you want to specify SUMMARY' for the report:
Easytrieve wrote:The SUMMARY parameter of the REPORT statement inhibits the printing of detail lines on a control report.

There are examples in the manual. If your organization is licensed to use Easytrieve, the material may be downloaded free from CA Support.
Hope this helps,
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dick scherrer
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