I am having an input file of size 100 bytes and input records are as follows-
1.First 48 bytes in input file are aplhanumeric
2.Then a price field defined as PIC S9(12)V9(6) COMP-3.
3. then quantity field defined as PIC S9(12)V9(6) COMP-3.
4.Then settlement date defined as PIC X(8)
5. Then filler PIC X(5)
6. Then Account code as PIC X(5).
I am trying to create an output file in which all fileds are in displayable formt not COMP-3 field.
Sort card is as follows-
The problem I am facing is price field is zero in input file for all records.But after running sort job, all the fileds are populated correctly except price filed in which I am getting junk value as 020202020202.020202
Please suggest me how to resolve this issue.