Hi ,
I have two files who's LREC is different ,when i'm trying to append/merge ,the data is actually copied/over writing the data present in the output file.
below is the code I have used
first file lrec is 50 and second file lrec is 200
the output :some data which is unknown
some data
but the actual required output is
some data which is unknown
some data
please help me out
//step exec pgm=icetool
//toolmsg dd sysout=*
//dfsmsg dd sysout=*
//input1 dd *
//input2 dd *
some data which is unknown
some data
//output dd sysout=*
//toolin dd *
copy from(input1) to(output)
copy from(input2) to(output) using(ctll)
//ctllsntl dd *
outrec overlay=(50:X)