I am having a sequential file having LRECL = 80, RECFM = FB. Each Record is combination of Alphabets (Combination of Upper Case & Lower Case) & Numbers. My Requirement is
(1) If for any Record there is a Character like , " %$ @ * . etc at any position, other than Alphabet (both Upper Case & Lower Case) & Numbers should get written to File A
(2) If for any record having Alphabets (both Upper Case & Lower Case) & Numbers should get written to File B.
Below is Example. Both File A & B Having LRECL = 80 & RECFM = FB.
ABCDERT123456eeefghnkl9876MMOP ---> No Special char. Should get written to File B.
ABCDFRGT'MN,34567iolkmn..OOPMQ ---> Having Special char. (' , ..) Should get written to Fil A. Having Multiple Occurence of Special Char.
POLMNB'123456789opnmcb ----> Having Special Char (') should get written to file A. Having Single Occurence of Special Char.
Can above stated request be perform using SORT.
Kind Rgd's
Vineet Anand