cuteshanthim wrote:LINES=55 options is applicable for header2 (page header). I want the break for each 55 lines in the report header (HEADER3)....If we give LINES=55 in the OUTFIL, then it will not impact the report since I have not used header2.
You seem to have been misguided about LINES parm. Pay attention to the last detail under the explanation of "n"
Specifies the number of lines per page to be used for the reports produced for this OUTFIL group. DFSORT uses ANSI carriage control characters to control page ejects and the placement of the lines in your report, according to your specifications.
specifies the number of lines per page. The value for n must be between 1 and 255. However, n--or the default for n if LINES is not specified--must be greater than or equal to the number of lines needed for each of the following:
The HEADER1 lines
The TRAILER1 lines
The sum of all lines for HEADER2, TRAILER2, HEADER3s, TRAILER3s, and the data lines and blank lines produced from an input record.
You can find the same information here ... 1ca60/3.15